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What about the sodium?

Sodium is a macromineral essential to life. It is found in all bodily fluids and is tasked with regulating our water balance and fluid distribution. Without sodium (a crucial electrolyte) nerve transmissions sent from the brain throughout the nervous system which target areas like muscle function would be subdued and dangerously derailed. Sodium gets a bad rap, but it has key importance to critical body functions such as:

  • Controlling blood pressure

  • Regulating bodily fluid

  • Proper brain function

  • Nervous system function

  • Muscle contractions and relaxation

  • Digestion

  • Absorption of vitamins and minerals

Many people try to lower sodium intake simply because they’ve heard it’s “bad for your heart” but too little salt is just as bad as too much salt! An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirmed what many other case studies concluded:

“They call into question the feasibility and usefulness of reducing dietary sodium as a population-based strategy for reducing blood pressure. The alternative approach of recommending high-quality diets rich in potassium might achieve greater health benefits, including blood-pressure reduction, than aggressive sodium reduction”

Excess sodium can be dangerous to the body, but eating a balanced diet of unprocessed foods is the best way to avoid this. Excess sodium can elevate existing hypertension and put added pressure on the kidneys. Avoiding foods with processed sodium is key! 

Here at Meels, we’ve done the research, balanced the scales, and sourced healthy sustainable ingredients so you are never eating processed man-made chemicals with your tender-crisp vegetables or perfectly seasoned omelettes!

Consuming foods with the right type of sodium is crucial for our health.

It’s important to note that not all salt is equal, and not all sodium is ideal for a healthy body. 

Most people read “sodium” and automatically think of table salt. Table salt is frighteningly over-processed to create a fine dust-like effect. This process strips of all-natural health benefits of sodium. Ironically, after this process, iodine (which was once naturally occurring but has now been stripped) is re-added with sugar, MSG, and other man-made chemicals to create a stable product.

The RDI (recommended daily intake) of sodium is 2300 mg – equal to about one teaspoon. While this sounds like a lot, it’s very important to note that many foods naturally contain sodium and this is taken into account on nutritional labels

Here at Meels, iodized table salt is never an option. We believe food should be natural, unprocessed, and fuel a healthy lifestyle. This makes Kosher salt our go-to! One teaspoon of kosher salt contains about 1,120 milligrams of sodium. In comparison, 1 teaspoon of table salt contains about 2,325 milligrams of sodium. 

The balance created between naturally occurring sodium and potassium found in plant-based foods are essential to a healthy body and mind.

At the end of the day, it’s not about avoiding sodium – we need it! Cooking and seasoning with sea salt, kosher salt and pink Himalayan salt not only satisfies the palate but it is essential to the body. What's more important is being sure the food you consume is balanced. A diet consisting of healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables is the best way to consume a balance of sodium and potassium for these amazing electrolytes to benefit the body.

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